jueves, 8 de julio de 2010

Myanmar makes archaeological research to prove origin of Myanmar

Myanmar makes archaeological research to prove origin of Myanmar

Myanmar archaeological experts have been making research in cooperation with international primate experts to prove the proposal -- "The origin of Myanmar is Myanmar ".
These experts have been working together yearly to find out the fossilized remains of Pontaung primates in Pontaung rock layers.
The findings of the primates on the Stone Age, the Bronze Age and the Iron Age, gained from the archaeological research in Meiktila and Yamethin districts in Mandalay division over the past decade, stood some evidences for the Bronze Age and the Iron Age as well as for the Myanmar culture and history, according to research report.
Over the weekend, Myanmar's Ministry of Culture organized a paper reading session on archaeological evidences in Nay Pyi Taw with the belief that the findings through the archaeological research add to the Myanmar history.
The research paper reading session involved resources persons from Myanmar Historical Mission, National Culture and Fine Arts Universities in Yangon and Mandalay, Archaeology, National Museum and Library Department as well as a foreign academician.

Fuente: Xinhuanet: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/sci/2010-07/07/c_13388000.htm

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